Category: Fiction

The Patty and the Pickle

Once upon a time, there lived a princess in a castle. But she wasn’t just any princess; she was a soy burger patty, born from...

A Change Undisclosed

Katiya opened the blinds to the bay windows revealing Central Park below her. Her naked reflection stood in the window as she gazed outside at...

The Great Wall’s Ruins

  A flash fiction piece I wrote after the idea popped into my head. The tour guide stepped over a chunk of rubble, leading her...

Video Games and Digital Ghosts

I sent this story to a couple publishers, but they didn’t accept it. I don’t feel like trying to submit it anymore, so decided to...

Novella Rejection

Tor had an open invitation for novellas in January of 2016. Tor was looking for sword and magic fantasy submissions, but with a focus on...