The Guardian of Mysteries

Another writing prompt, this time titled “Your job is to be the Guardian, and everyone refers you you as the Guardian, but you don’t know what you’re guarding.” I kind of instantly thought of Heimdall, that guy who guards Asgard in the Thor Marvel movies and comics. I was inspired by him per say, at least with the physique, but this is my take on a guardian who doesn’t know what he is guarding.

The Guardian of Mysteries

I was an exceptionally talented and effective guard. I stood watch at the castle gates for many years, ensuring that only those who were authorized entered the premises. Taller than average, and with an imposing posture and build, I was quite intimidating. A weathered face due to my upbringing in the fields, and small scars from previous engagements radiated that I was a grizzled and experienced man. Unlike many other guards who were swayed by temptations of more gold, I held my vigil and ensured only those with valid reasons and permissions could enter, no matter how much they offered me. I even imprisoned other corrupt officials and guards. I was not liked by many due to my resolute ways, but I was determined. I had a rough upbringing, coming from a destitute village, and I was going to be the best at my honorable job.

After several years, I had arrested hundreds of wrongdoers, prevented many more illegal entries and potentially crimes, and I had won countless skirmishes with my deft swordsmanship. I had risen through the ranks and was the Captain of the King’s Gate’s Guards. I help prestige and esteem. I was satisfied with where I had gotten in life, and all with a clean conscious at that. There wasn’t really anywhere else for me to advance to, so I was coming to terms with being a Captain for the rest of my life, which wasn’t a bad prospect in my mind.

It was one late evening as I sat there pondering over our month’s budget and resource allocation when an elderly fellow quietly stepped into my office, located near the main gate. He wore loose fitting clothes that were embroidered in a very elegant and colorful pattern.

I paused in my work and sat upright in my chair. “Good evening.” I curiously greeted. “And to whom do I owe the pleasure of this surprise visit?”

“Greetings Captain. My name is Melthano, I am a high wizard of the king’s inner sanctum.” That explained the clothing. “We have noticed your superior abilities as Captain of the King’s Gate’s Guards.”

“I am glad to hear that” I answered as I furrowed my eyebrows in slight confusion. “What about it exactly?”

“Your abilities and your valor are exceptional, and they are being squandered here.” I silently waited for him to continue. “We would like to invite you to become a guardian of some of the most important objects of the kingdom.”

I pondered what exactly he meant, it seemed like he was intentionally trying to be vague and to make the conversation tense. A simple “hmm” was all I emitted as I waited for him to continue again.

“There are things that need to be defended in order to ensure the lasting peace and prosperity of the kingdom, and we would like none other than you to become the new defender.” He half-grinned at me while I further thought about it.

“What happened to the last defender?”

“There was no ‘last defender’, you would be the first. After a few attempts from highly skilled thieves and traitors to get in, we realized that we need a more permanent entity guarding things in the keep itself. We would infuse you with permanent magical powers to further enhance your already amazing abilities and make you a warrior second to none.”

This seemed like an interesting possibility, and I was thoroughly interested. So much that I simply couldn’t refuse. “I accept.”

“Great, then come straight to the high sanctum tomorrow at noon. Ask the concierge at the Hall of Emperors, right before the throne room, and he will guide you to the higher sanctum.” And with that, he turned around and went out through the door, quietly closing it behind him. I nervously finished preparations for the night before considering who I would anoint as my successor as the Captain before settling on Frederick, who I anointed the following morning. Following his succession as the new captain, I took my armor and sword and made my way to the higher sanctum. I was greeted by Melthano and 5 other wizards, who brisked me into a darkened room. After waiting a moment, one of the others came back in with a potion and prompted me to drink it. I drank it hungrily in anticipation of the powers I would soon obtain, and the charge of guarding something greater than a castle gate.

I felt funny at first, and then I didn’t feel anything. I went numb, and I never felt anything again. I didn’t feel myself growing almost twice my original size. I didn’t feel my muscles get enormously big. I didn’t feel my body get quicker, or feel my eyes change as they became sharper. I never felt hunger or exhaustion or any desire but to uphold my responsibility of guarding my charge.

Days went by. Weeks. Years. I never tired in my quest to guard the entrance to a particular section of the dungeon in the castle I had been assigned to. In that time, a few people had attempted to enter: some rogue servants, some highly skilled thieves, and just some people who got too curious. I always noticed them though, and with a quick swipe of the sword, they would be cut clean in two. Their bodies would sometimes lay there for days, rotting, before a patrol would come by and take the bodies away. The stench didn’t bother me, and neither did the jeering of anyone like the patrols who walked past. I never left my post, and they started calling me “The Guardian”. Sometimes with respect, sometimes with sneers or with contempt. Nothing bothered me. The only thing that would have bothered me would have been to let somebody past my post.

Countless time passed, it didn’t matter to me anymore. At one point, chaos started erupting in the castle. People were frantic, running around, usually armed to the teeth. After many evenings of soldiers running around, sometimes wounded, Melthano and another high wizard approached me.

“We need to get through here in order to save the castle!” Melthano shouted at me, desperation in his exhausted eyes.

I monotonously addressed them without looking down, only seeing them in my peripheral vision below my gaze. “I am The Guardian. It is my duty to ensure that nobody ever gets past me.”

“We need to get past you! You can let us pass!” shouted the other wizard. He shifted to a more pleading tone, “our last chance to defeat the invaders is within this hall.”

“Nobody gets past me.”

“We made you!” Melthano had rapidly become livid as spit flew from his mouth as he screeched at me.

“Nobody gets past me. That is my charge.”

They looked at each other before raising their arms, conjuring spells. I anticipated that. They were my creators, but they had become my enemies, actively trying to kill me. I raised my left arm to absorb a stream of fire from Melthano to my left as I whipped my sword out of its sheath in one swift motion and decapitated the other wizard before he could do anything. Melthano was momentarily stunned, surprised at seeing his comrade fall so fast, and with such swift brutality.

“We made you too strong and with too much conviction” Melthano whispered to himself as he faltered with his spell. His senses came back to him as he tried to cast a warding spell against my impending sword, but it was too late. I had already begun swinging my sword around and had reached his groin before proceeding up to his head, separating his left and right sides.

He fell, and I used his robe to wipe my sword clean before returning to my post.

Nobody gets past me.

I saw kings and queens, fair leaders and tyrants. I saw theirs births. I saw them age and die. Countless centuries went on. Every time a new leader took control of the castle, they would attempt to get past me before coming to the all-too-familiar decision of just leaving me alone to guard this one entrance.

I don’t know what I am guarding, but I will keep guarding it, as per my charge, and nobody will get past me.

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