EVE Online Low sec gang pvp with TRIAD and Ushra’Khan

For almost 2 years now I have been part of T.R.I.A.D. and Ushra’Khan in Faction Warfare in the online game, EVE Online. It has been a good time participating in low sec, gang pvp, and the following is a compilation of many of the fights we were in while I flew with them. There were many time we were blobbed, or did the blobbing, but there was also quite a few good fights to be had all around.

I am working on a solo video right now, but that will come a little later. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this video. It might be a bit hard to follow for people who have never played EVE, but in short, this is just a bunch of gameplay footage of my and my “clan” members, per say, fighting other people.

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